The white spots tomography (marked as H) show the stone constructions – As this is an accurate depiction, you can realize the immense size of the construction.
According to the geologists, this is “A single building with intermediate divisions and exceptional architecture, which differs from the Macedonian tombs of the era ” hidden for centuries under the hill of Kasta.
From 1998 to 1999 the tomb was investigated by three geophysicists (Lazarus Polymenakos, Stavros Papamarinopoulos and Athanasios Liosis) and by archaeologist Haido Koukoulis–Chrysanthaki.
With the method of three-dimensional seismic tomography four scientists have attempted to detect the inside of the artificial hill. According to their study, published in 2004 in a special British Archaeology magazine, ‘high speed’ points, marked with the letter «H» testify to the existence of extensive stone structures. The archaeologists believe the evidence to be of significant value, but still unconfirmed.
All we can do for now is wait patiently for time to tell.